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5 days of Fasting, 10-day Experience

This live program will start on Saturday 3rd of December where we go through preparation and start our gradual step-by-step process to get you on the road to successful fasting.

Here’s the plan! 
Each day for 10 days you will guided on what to do and when.
We will fast for 5 days, prep for 3 days and then the final 2 days will be showing you how to introduce a healthy dietary regime that works for you.
There will be daily Live videos each morning to help you be prepared, stay on track and learn to love the journey. You’ll be left feeling confident and fully inspired to achieve your daily goals after these daily videos.

Follow the link here to register…

Fasting benefits – emotional (mental) physical and spiritual

Is fasting useful for Physical Emotional Spiritual well-being?

We as a species, especially in the western world are dealing with so many diseases, obesity and health issues more than at any time in our history.

We are also craving a sense of belonging, a sense of community, that is part of it. But for many, it goes so much deeper than that. We are wanting a deeper sense of belonging, more than ever before we are looking for a sense of purpose. What’s it all about, is a saying that comes to mind.

In our world mental health issues such as depression and anxiety are growing at alarming rates. We are seeing people in such a bad way emotionally that we could be lulled into thinking that it is something beyond our control, however, all of this could be helped using a tool that we as humans have used for well over 1000 years, probably for the whole time humans have been on this planet. Fasting!

Read the full blog article here…