Thank you for your Koha

The Resonance* app is not-for-profit and relies on your generosity to succeed. It's easy to give koha through our give-a-little page or by making a cryptocurrency koha to our Resonance Crypto wallet via the BTC address or QR code below. We are so grateful for your support, especially in these early days of development. It's like wind in our sails!

Our Bank account:
The Wellington App Ltd
ANZ 01-0505-0913948-00

Resonance* Crowdfunding page

QR code

Wallet Address: bc1qjn2gl0n66nzkp4mwemn6lnqjrv4x2f8sszf7c6

Resonance* will fund other new-paradigm initiatives

As our income grows, any surplus will be reinvested in other initiatives, so let us know about your organisation. We are on this journey together.